Have a look at our 1-2-1 programmes and contact us if you would like any more information.

1-2-1 Football Coaching

We offer a wide range of 1-2-1 football coaching for all players.

Our 1-2-1 football development programme is aimed to improve not only your game but also your performance. It has been specifically designed to enhance all the major skills a football player needs, from attack and defence to everything in between, including goalkeeping.

Our approach is to nurture and guide the young player to play at their full potential. We plan the sessions to meet the needs and demands of the player to set challenge and improve technical, physical, social and psychological skills.

Our coaches are FA Qualified and Goalkeeper Qualified. 

Tennis 1-2-1

We offer basic to advanced sessions.

Learning all the techniques- forehand, backhand, serve and so much more.

Inclusive for All

We offer a wide range of sports for children who made need that extra help with sports. We can run Pentathlon, Paralympics and sensory sports.


We offer a 1-2-1 Boxercise sessions working on your techniques and fitness.


We offer a 1-2-1 Cricket sessions working on your Batting, Bowling and Game Play techniques.