Sports Tots

We are running our Saturday morning Sports Tots sessions, learning through play and core motor skills within sport whilst having lots of fun.

Learning sports through themes and fun.

We are excited to announce we are offering a to our brand-new Sports Tots sessions running every Saturday morning at Ryvers School.

Sports Tots is also a great place for parent-child bonding. We encourage parents and grandparents to get involved, which the children love! Sports Tots gives you the perfect weekend activity to get more involved in a fun and safe environment.


Sporty Bambinos-As your children get older, our Sporty Bambinos sessions can help them improve their games further. We start focusing on their development of ability and social development too. Our main aim is to give them a head start for when they join a team/clubs in sports. We will even suggest some exit routes for them when they approach their final weeks at Sporty Bambinos!

Mini Bambinos-We also teach our Mini Bambinos about learning through colours. We use brightly coloured cones and many of our games include the need to identify the correct colours.

Counting and numbers are also an important part of our sessions. We find that learning through play helps these sides of a child’s development. Imagination and creativity are also an important aspect of what we do. For example, in a lot of our games we ask the children to imagine the cones as road safety and one of our coaches as the police!

Little Bambino-Our youngest class. Starting from 16 Months, allows fundamental movement skills to be picked up from the earliest point. Using a variety of learning techniques, shapes, colours, numbers and body parts are introduced to your Little Bambinos. Through patience and perseverance, we notice recognition from the child after repetition of our classes, with dribbling, balancing, jumping, kicking and catching.
